Slave Unit 3: Hokka Hokka Musume (Gebokudo)

Japanese Title: Slave Unit 3:ほっかほっか娘。
Date: August 2003
Circle: Gebokudo
Censorship: Pixelation
Stories Featured: Very!! Maximum (とっても!!マキシマム)
Translation Status: No known English translation available 
Information/comments: This features the first erotic work by Inazuma, and he is actually credited in this as Plasma Sato (プラズマサトウ).  Inazuma later said this was the first time he drew using a PC.  The Inazuma story in this was later featured in Inazuma Warrior 1, but there may be some illustrations featured in this anthology that aren't anywhere else.  The end of the story shows the two characters from Futari Bocchi Densetsu in swimsuits.

1 comment:

  1. Is there anyway you can find the download link to this one also?
    It's hard to find this one too.
    If you can't or can find them, either way I'd like feedback.
    Please help me out, this one and the other are the final ones I need. I had given up on about three or four that were unfindable. (Not a word, I know. I'm just desperate. Lol) And please if you find them no torrents.
